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Height:5ft 10in
Weight:190 lbs
Varieties:Level 71
Locations:Strutting around Ardougne, keeping a watchful eye from one day to the next
Appearance:Stout and robust looking, these holy warriors defy the ageing process by keeping themselves in great condition.
The barrel chests and firm biceps are just a bonus.
Way of Life:Challenging: when a man takes the holy vow of a Paladin, he makes a life-long commitment
Likes:To uphold the values of Saradomin at all costs:
"It is not that Saradominism has been tried and found wanting: it is that Saradominism has been tried and found difficult"
Dislikes:Pick-pockets in Varrock. If this applies to you, just remember that their concept of mercy comes a definite second to their excellent swordsmanship


Height:5 ft 9 in
Weight:215 lbs
Varieties:Level 27
Level 30
Locations:Pirates call Karamja their home, but some can also be found rooting around the Ice Giant cave
Appearance:Often seen sporting an eye-patch, pirates experience the highest rate of gouged eyes in Runescape
Way of Life:Hearty.
Pirates love eating, drinking and generally being merry. When it comes to having fun, nothing is too much expense- especially when they're spending your money!
Dislikes:Being too far from the sea

  Poison Spider

Height:12 in
Weight:25 lbs
Varieties:Level 63
Locations:Taverley Dungeon, Lava Maze (wilderness)
Appearance:Vile, pus-squirting creatures that probably aren't going to win any best-looking spider awards any time soon
Way of Life:Hides in the undergrowth injecting smaller animals with venom for later consumption.
Likes:the death spasms of prey as they notice its bite too late

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