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Height:5 ft 10in
Weight:175 lbs
Varieties:Level 9 (generic man)
Locations:Humans are currently the dominant species on Runescape
Way of Life:Humans are certainly quite advanced creatures, building large communities and various labour-saving devices.
Whether they are exactly "civilised", however, is more open for debate...
Likes:Dark suits
Dislikes:Being attacked by players trying to up their levels.
This is where the phrase "Why does everything always happen to me?" comes from


Height:6 ft
Weight:180 lbs
Varieties:Level 13
Locations:The monastery to the west of Edgeville
Way of Life:Monastic. These men have achieved a level of devotion that few could hope to match

  Monk of Zamorak

Height:6 ft
Weight:180 lbs
Varieties: Level 29 (with mace)
Level 47
Locations:Lower level monks dwell in the Chaos Temple of north Asgarnia; higher level monks can also be found in Taverley Dungeon
Appearance:Level 47 monks adorn themselves with the blood red robes of Zamorak
Way of Life:Ungodly- at least as far as Saradomin is concerned. These monks have perverted His sacred rituals, and corrupted them to please their own hellish master. But don't fall prey to crusader zeal- many a Saradominist has rushed headlong into Taverley Dungeon, never to be seen again

  Mountain Dwarf

Height:4ft 2in
Weight:200 lbs
Varieties:level 28
Locations:Beneath Wolf Mountain
Appearance:Vertically challenged
Way of Life:Secluded. These dwarves are happy just to be left to their own devices. They love nothing better than mining for ore and generally being at one with nature
Likes:The cool mountain air
Dislikes:Elves and horses


Height:5 ft 10 in
Weight:160 lbs
Varieties:Level 10
Locations:Varrock castle
Appearance:Shifty looking
Way of Life:The mugger is at the low-rent end of the mercerary lifestyle. With no real skill to his name, the mugger can never be sure that he will be able to rob you.
But he'll certainly have a really good try- and you have to respect him for that
Dislikes:Thieves. Muggers are envious of these more skilled criminals

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