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  Ice Spider

Height:12 in
Weight:25 lbs
Varieties:Level 63
Locations:White Wolf Mountain, Wilderness ice plateau
Way of Life:These battle-hardened arachnids represent the price of admission for many hardcore Runescapers.
That and $5.00 a month
Likes:Their inhospitable terrain, which gives them an immediate homefield advantage in any combat situation
Dislikes:Non-members who attempt to stray into the members' area. The non-members' inability to access this area deprives the ice spiders of a tasty snack

  Ice Warrior

Varieties:Level 57
Locations:Ice Giant's Cave, White Wolf Mountain dungeon, wilderness
Appearance:Like men made of ice
Way of Life:Mysterious
Likes:The question "Do you want ice with that?" where "that" refers to an pick-axe that is then embedded in some smart-alec's head
Dislikes:Smart-alecs (see above)


Height:10 in
Weight:15 lbs
Varieties:Level 5
Locations:Imps have an annoying habit of turning up everywhere
Appearance:Small, with a distinctively bright red colour to them. Combine this with their cheeky impishness, and it's easy to see why some think of them as "little devils"
Way of Life:Opportunistic. Imps love to steal little items, such as wool, beads, food and hats
Likes:Running away just when you're about to kill them
Dislikes:People who confuse them with party hats

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