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Varieties:Level 25
Locations:Draynor Manor, Varrock sewers' dungeon
Way of Life:Ghosts drift about in state of some distress, existing as spirits but outside the refuge of the gods
Likes:Large mansions to haunt, dance music
Dislikes:Being disturbed- this can cause them to attack


Height:7 ft 2 in
Weight:290 lbs
Varieties:Level 37 (giant)
Level 62 (moss)
Level 68 (ice)
Level 109 (fire)
Locations:The wilderness and most dungeons
Way of Life:Giants are said to be one of the oldest races in Runescape, which each type having evolved according to the different kinds of environment that they were exposed to
Likes:Personal space- as found in dungeons and the wilderness
Dislikes:Anyone who gets under their feet

  Giant Bat

Height:Quite high off the ground
Weight:30 lbs
Varieties:Level 32
Locations:Outside Morgan le Faye Castle and in Taverley Dungeon
Appearance:Large winged vermin- to the untrained eye these things are basically rats with wings
Way of Life:Annoying.
Giant bats will make a point of flapping in your face (no, I said "flapping") just when you're trying to do the crucial part of a quest. You'd happily kill the whole jolly lot of them, if only you could be bothered
Likes:Caves and dungeons
Dislikes:Sitting still

  Giant Rat

Height:2 ft
Weight:120 lbs
Varieties:Level 2 (normal rat)
Level 13
Locations:Lumbridge swamp Varrock slums and sewers, and many a dungeon around Runescape
Appearance:Dirty grey
with beady eyes
Way of Life:Unhygienic
Likes:To eat from rotting carcasses
Dislikes:Rat poison

  Giant Spider

Height:30 in
Weight:20 lbs
Varieties:Level 2 (Small spider)
Level 8 (Giant spider)
Locations:Giant spiders often hang out in Lumbridge castle basement, sewers and houses, before disappearing down giant plug holes
Appearance:Eight-legged and hairy
Way of Life:Incy-wincy; but watch out for the giant spider's bite
Likes:To try and try again
Dislikes:People who don't look where they're standing


Height:2 ft 2 in
Weight:60 lbs
Varieties:Level 3 (Gnome troop)
Level 23-31 (Guards)
Locations:The Tree Gnome village and Grand Tree stronghold
Way of Life:The gnomes are a spirited lot, always ready with a quip for those who stumble over them. They are also keen entrepreneurs, carving out restaurants and cocktail bars into their wooden abode
Likes:Gnomes like to stick together, forming tight-knit communities under the rule of a gnome king
Dislikes:The Runescape annual basketball tournament. So they play gnomeball instead


Height:5 ft 4 in
Weight:180 lbs
Varieties:Level 7
Level 13 (spear)
Locations:Goblins are common right across Runescape, and particularly in the goblin village of north Asgarnia; around Lumbridge, and the woods near Port Sarim
Appearance:Green and warty
Way of Life:Whilst not exactly "civilised", goblins do build mud huts to form small communities. Cowardly and weak, they are good targets for low-level players
Likes:Eating slugs and worms
Dislikes:Complex mental challenges

  Greater Demon

Height:8ft 6in
Weight:350 lbs
Varieties:Level 89
Locations:Entrana, Lava Maze (underground), ruins in (north-east) wilderness.
Appearance:As Zamorack's representative on Runescape, these demons are immediately recognisable by their capacity to kill you in a matter of seconds. And with the Greater Demon, what you see is what you get
Way of Life:Not known
Likes:Being master of all that they survey
If you go to fight a Greater Demon, don't run away or retreat. You'll still get killed, but at least he'll respect you more that way

  Grey Wolf

Height:Up to 7ft long
Weight:230 lbs
Varieties:Level 64
Locations:The Wilderness
Appearance:Like a Guard Dogs' meaner, crazier, and more bloodthirsty uncle.
Way of Life:There are many people who claim the wolfs' reputation as a killer is undeserved, and that they rarely attack humans. Those people have never encountered a hungry pack of grey wolves.
To the Grey Wolf, everything else is either dinner or potential dinner.
Likes:Running in packs looking for food.
Dislikes:Being called a Bad Dog.


Height:5 ft 10in
Weight:220 lbs
Varieties:Level 28
Locations:Throughout the towns, wherever things may need guarding, especially gates and banks
Appearance:Stout and intimidating, these guards give the distinct impression that they will not be open to negotation
Way of Life:Inflexible.
If a guard has been told not to let people past, he'll keep that entrance blocked come hell or high water. But if you just want to beat up some old man a few yards away, he'll conveniently turn a blind eye.It's just not his job to care
Likes:Maintaining order
Dislikes:The smell of corruption that seems to surround their pay masters- from local town councillors, right up to the top of the ladder

  Guard Dog

Height:6 ft long
Weight:170 lbs
Varieties:Level 48
Locations:Brimhaven, Ardougne, McGrubor's Wood
Appearance:Goes for the standard, no-nonsense guard-dog look
Way of Life:Limited. These animals do nothing for the claim that a dog is a man's best friend.
Unless your idea of a best friend is someone who rips your limbs off with their teeth
Likes:Barking at intruders

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