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  Jail Guard

Height:5 ft 9in
Weight:210 lbs
Varieties:Level 34
Locations:South of Draynor Village
Appearance:Greasy and unkempt, these jailers are still part of the human race- but only just
Way of Life:Disturbing. These jailers take a malicious pleasure in the incarceration of their prisoners. In some ways they are as evil as the Dark Knights, although some say that the jailers come from a more limited gene pool
Likes:Doing their master's dirty work
Dislikes:Wise-cracking jailbirds, who usually get their better of their slow-witted captors


Height:7 ft
Weight:300 lbs
Varieties:Level 58
Locations:The "jogre" or jungle ogre is frequently found in South Karamja, usually grouped together in clusters
Appearance:Large and green skinned
Way of Life:The jungle ogre is well camouflaged for life in jungle territories and often benefits from the element of surprise
Likes:Games of hide and seek with humans, who didn't know that they were playing until the jogre attacks
Dislikes:The assumption that they are just green skinned ogres. This prompts them to attack

  Jungle Spider

Height:25 in
Weight:15 lbs
Varieties:Level 46
Locations:Karamja Jungle
Appearance:Green and hairy
Way of Life:Sneaky. Perfectly camouflaged for the overgrown terrain, if you can't actually see a jungle spider it's probably because there's one looking right at you
Likes:Lurking in the jungle
Dislikes:Players who complain because their "best friends" paid less for a party hat.
These scrooges can look forward to a slow death on the web

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