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Height:Up to 3 ft long
Weight:Up to 120 lbs
Varieties:Level 21
Level 26 (poison scorpion)
Level 36 (king scorpion)
Locations:The poison and king scorpions can be found in the Taverley dungeon and the Dwarven Mine respectively
Appearance:Like more aggressive lobsters
Way of Life:Venomous. Scorpions inject potentially fatal poison into their victims. King scorpions are large and aggressive, so run first and ask questions later!
Likes:Stinging you with their tail
Dislikes:Quest happy "Scorpion Catchers"

  Shadow Spider

Height:10 in
Weight:20 lbs
Varieties:Level 53
Locations:Can be found in dungeons - underneath the waterfall and in the wilderness where it makes full use of its natural camouflage
Appearance:Some way between a spider and shadow. But by the time you've worked out whether it's there or not, these aggressive little monsters will have already drawn blood
Way of Life:Clandestine- and they like the darkness too
Likes:Hiding, waiting for the kill
Dislikes:Other spiders


Height:3 ft 6 in
Weight:230 lbs
Varieties:Level 0
Locations:There is a sheep farm close to Lumbridge,
and a sheep pen in Ardougne
Appearance:Like moving balls of fluff
Way of Life:Passive and pastoral
Likes:Following each other around
Dislikes:Getting poked with cattle-prods
(see Sheep Herder quest)


Height:N/A: depends on previous wearer
Weight:100 lbs: more for people who are "big-boned"
Varieties:Level 19
Level 25
Level 31
Level 54
Level 21 (skeleton mage)
Locations:Ghost-town dungeon, Members' dungeon, Varrock sewers
Way of Life:Skeletons are said to descend from strange necromancers who unleashed whole armies of them during the wars of the third age. Higher-level skellys tend to be more aggressive, but all are equally mindless in their joyful pursuit of violence
Likes:Guarding doors in the name of Zamorak
Dislikes:Archaeological digs

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