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  King Black Dragon

Height:40 ft long
Weight:How long is piece of string? How heavy is a rock? What about a rock hard Dragon? We'll let you ask him
Varieties:level 245
Locations:Dwelling somewhere in the wilderness, this dragon is blatantly the biggest baddest mother (or father) in all of Runescape
Appearance:Looks like Trouble!
Way of Life:There are many different philosophies in RS, but the KBD subscribes to what we might call "existentialism"- the philosophy of doing whatever the heck you want
Likes:You, your friends, your family and even that other PKer you just met
Dislikes:You, your friends, your family and even that other PKer you just met

  Knight Of Ardougne

Height:6ft 1in
Weight:220 lbs
Varieties:Level 56
Locations:City Of Ardougne
Appearance:Human... underneath all the armour.
Way of Life:Becoming a Knight has long been a favoured career choice for Ardoynes strongest and bravest young men, with their shiny armour and adherence to the rules of chivalry gaining them a certain reputation with the ladies.
Likes:Testing their prowess against each other in jousting duels for ladies handkerchiefs.
Dislikes:People who ignore their carefully constructed rules of chivalry

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