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  Dark Warrior

Height:5 ft 10 in
Weight:200 lbs
Varieties:Level 21
Locations:The Wilderness
Way of Life:Mercenary.
Dark warriors do not enjoy the same status as Dark wizards or Dark knights, so they tend to hang around in small groups of like-minded individuals
Likes:To stay one step ahead of the authorities
Dislikes:Other followers of Zamorak.
Despite their shared allegiance, the Dark warriors prefer to keep themselves to themselves. Bear this in mind if you plan on disturbing them

  Dark Wizard

Height:5 ft 8 in
Weight:160 lbs
Varieties:Level 13
Locations:Dark Wizards' Tower; the Stone Circle south of Varrock; the Wilderness
Appearance:Like the wizard. Only darker
Way of Life:Machiavellian: Dark Wizards will do anything to further the cause of Zamorak.
And if that means burning many of their own number in the Wizards' Tower, then so be it
Likes:Treachery. For all their dark arts, it is ultimately their ability to deceive thier fellow man that makes them so dangerous
Dislikes:People who think that they can't be trusted.
The fact is that the incident with the Wizards' Tower was a one-off, and it'll never happen again. Surely you of all people could find it in your heart to give them a second chance?

  Deadly Red Spider

Height:25 in
Weight:15 lbs
Varieties:Level 36
Locations:Karamja Volcano, Varrock Sewers
Way of Life:Predatorial.
But this is a two way process, as anyone trained in the art of apothecary knows that the Deadly Red Spider's eggs can be used to make a potent strength potion
Likes:Closing in for the kill. Dispensing with the usual small-talk, The Deadly Red Spider goes straight for the jugular
Dislikes:The whole "which is better, red or green?" debate


Height:5 ft 8 in
Weight:160 lbs
Varieties:Level 29
Locations:The Druid Circle and the Druid Village
Appearance:Dressed in gleaming white robes, you could be forgiven for forgetting that the druids are in fact neutral
Way of Life:It is said that the druids may have used the runestones, long before the mages of the East discovered them. But the druids are a solitary lot, and as their numbers dwindle it is feared that their secrets may die with them
Likes:Making potions, using their herblore abilities.
Druids also rely on the power of the runestone, which may be the unifying factor behind all that is seen and unseen
Their reluctance to mix with other has alienated them from all those who are suspicious of druid rituals- from townsfolk to the followers of Saradomin

  Dungeon Rat

Height:Approx 1 ft long
Weight:40 lbs
Varieties:Level 16
Locations:Under Clock Tower
Way of Life:A very sociable creature (to other rats anyway), rats tend to be found in large groups in areas with a lot of refuse, as they dont like to try too hard to find their food.
Likes:Recycling - mainly wasted food and corpses into Rat droppings.
Dislikes:Contrary to popular belief, is not that fond of cheese.


Height:4 ft 2 in.
Weight:200 lbs
Varieties:Level 18, with iron axe, iron helmet and leather armour
Locations:In and around the Ice Mountain
Appearance:Short and stout
Way of Life:Moody and dour.
Though not very religious, dwarves show their respects to Guthix, the source of the iron ore which they mine so diligently
Likes:Difficult to say, since nothing seems to put them in a good mood.
But they are at least less grumpy when they're making things
Dislikes:Some say that dwarves just don't like people, but this does not account for all the other races that irritate them. Their bark is worse than their bite, however

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