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Height:5 ft 10 in
Weight:180 lbs
Varieties:Level 15
Locations:Farmers turn up on farms and near windmills throughout Runescape
Way of Life:Despite their subsistence lifestyle, farmers are surprisingly affluent, and have even been known to horde valuable runestones.
Could they be the missing link to the ancient mystery of the druids?
It seems unlikely
Likes:A cooked breakfast
Dislikes:Trespassers walking on their land


Height:5 ft 10 in
Weight:180 lbs
Varieties:Level 21
Locations:Mcgruber Woods
Way of Life:Gentle forest dwelling folk, who make a meagre living out of felling trees and trapping animals for pelts and food.
Likes:Living in harmony with nature
Dislikes:Being attacked for easy experience

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