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19th July 2024 - July 19th Alpha Updates

Try out the new quest, Temple of Ikov! Or continue playing like normal and enjoy all the minor fixes :)

Client Changes


  • Chrome-based bug showing arms on top of player model - due to V8 optimizer removing a priority loop while rendering

Content Changes


  • Temple of Ikov
  • Imp teleporting


  • Wrong maxrange for highway man
  • Quest fixes
  • Check spell for plague city req
  • Macro events weren't spawning in f2p correctly
  • Remove resetting attack styles on weapon switch
  • Disabled axe level unlock messages while advancing woodcutting

Engine Changes


  • Initial browser (webworker) port
  • map_findsquare command
  • Lightweight players can be simulated (entities that exist without protocol overhead)


  • NPCs hunting outside of maxrange
  • Remove maxrange corners when npc is op
  • Cleaned up info packets precalculations, decreased average traffic payload
  • Entity lists were including MAX_ID as a valid PID/NID after EntityList refactor, only goes up to MAX_ID-1 now
  • Overflowing inv commands to drop multiple stacks on floor
  • Delete irrelevant zone events (entity deleted) to reduce redundant network traffic
  • New FACE_COORD orientation logic to sync between players/logins

View the merge on GitHub

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