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Category News Item Date
Archived 'Super strength Beer cheat' fixed. 25-Jan-2001
Archived New Quest: Romeo+Juliet Quest (thanks rab!) 1-Dec-2000
Archived Wrote improved quest verifier and fixed a few mistakes 1-Dec-2000
Archived Fixed bug in quest compiling code 1-Dec-2000
Archived Fixed vanishing doors bug 1-Dec-2000
Archived Added new spell: Camoflauge 30-Nov-2000
Archived Added new spell: Shock bolt 30-Nov-2000
Archived Added new spell: Burst of strength 30-Nov-2000
Archived Added new spell: Chill bolt 30-Nov-2000
Archived Modified stats now slowly regenerate towards normal levels 30-Nov-2000
Archived Added new spell: Confuse 30-Nov-2000
Archived Added new spell: Thick skin 29-Nov-2000
Archived Added 5 new script commands for controlling player stats 29-Nov-2000
Archived Added new location: Ruined village 28-Nov-2000
Archived Added support for recoloured objects 28-Nov-2000
Archived Fixed several minor bugs 28-Nov-2000
Archived Actions now give instant colour coded feedback :-) 28-Nov-2000

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