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Category News Item Date
Archived Fixed occasional misread mouse clicks problem 28-Nov-2000
Archived Client now adjusts move speed to stay better synced with server 28-Nov-2000
Archived Game now loads more quickly and reliably 28-Nov-2000
Archived Added range check to projectile combat 3-Nov-2000
Archived Fixed some obscure route finding problems 2-Nov-2000
Archived Diagonal doors now work properly 2-Nov-2000
Archived Gates now work properly 2-Nov-2000
Archived Non-square locations can now be rotated in the editor. 2-Nov-2000
Archived Improved camera motion 1-Nov-2000
Archived Adjusted mouse button assignments 31-Oct-2000
Archived Projectile combat now works. 31-Oct-2000
Archived Added cupboards, gates, signposts, sacks, bookcases etc... 27-Oct-2000
Archived Added new rat monster 27-Oct-2000
Archived Added in skill advancement 26-Oct-2000
Archived Improved combat, can now choose from 4 fighting modes 26-Oct-2000
Archived Injured monsters will now run away 25-Oct-2000
Archived Aggressive monsters now attack when you approach 25-Oct-2000

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