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18th May 2024 - May 18th Alpha Updates

This is a special day - our revision hit its 20th anniversary 😊 Revision 225 came out May 18th, 2004. Exactly 20 years ago they deployed an update (containing Big Chompy Bird Hunting) like it was any other day.
Here we are in 2024 recreating everything we can that was lost, I'm sure Andrew didn't foresee that!

Cheers to the original Jagex team and cheers to our team.

Content Changes


  • Observatory quest
  • Npcs can now be poisoned by the player
  • Updated NPC and obj spawns


  • Correct Smithing experience for bronze daggers on Tutorial Island
  • Tutorial woodcutting should be checking for tutorial_logs
  • Levelup rewards accuracy improvements
  • Bucket of water not always deleting when making dough
  • Tanner dialogue changed to fit new evidence
  • Delay ranged projectile by an extra tick to match with osrs
  • Typo in levelup_unlocks_crafting.rs2
  • Al Kharid toll gates after engine updates
  • Various mage arena fixes
  • Prince ali rescue changes
  • @nothing_interesting_happens -> ~displaymessage(^dm_default)
  • Proper client timing for npc defending in ranged
  • Poison check when not wearing a weapon for player melee combat
  • NPC continuing to target when/after dying
  • Holy water missing proj_launch and proj_travel params
  • NPC already in combat message
  • levelup_unlocks uses autoint now
  • Replaced ~loopdrop with obj_add
  • Rune Essence teleport chant typo "Seventior" -> "Senventior"
  • Removed moverestrict=indoors from Aggie (found to wander outside in screenshots)

Engine Changes


  • Members check before obj use interactions
  • npc_attackrange command
  • World-managed packing process
  • Comma-separated walkanim= NPC property


  • Allow for null obj and count for obj_add command
  • Simplify target repathing to fix rare edge case
  • Fix static objs
  • Auto path to op/ap interactions
  • Stop pathing towards target npc if the target uid is no longer found
  • Pack enum inputtype=autoint as int
  • Skip repathing during p_walk, static entities, or under walktrigger
  • Pick up adjacent objs during walktrigger
  • Updated all code dependencies

Workflow Changes

The setup was simplified, packing process was sped up, race conditions in-game addressed, and CI now compiles scripts in addition to the cache.

Some more environment variables have been added for finer control over the packing process. No one needs to touch those unless they're toying with other revisions.

View the merge on GitHub

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Recreated and preserved in 2023 - 2024.