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13th July 2001 - Andrew's guide to not losing your password

An increasing number of people are trying to trick other players into giving away their password. Please use a bit of common sense to avoid getting tricked in this way. Some common tricks to avoid are below:
  • Do NOT enter your password into ANY website other than! If you go somewhere else and see a chat room or survey or cheat site which claims it needs your password then that site is a trick and will steal your pass. Don't be a fool. Be very suspicious of anything or anyone that asks you for your password.
  • Rememeber that real Jagex staff will NEVER EVER ask you for your password! If anyone talks to you, or emails you claiming to be me, and asks for your password, then they are lieing and are trying to steal your account. Jagex staff will NEVER ask you for your password for any reason!
  • Be very careful downloading programs from other websites. I have seen programs which claim to give you money, or make you stronger, or cheat in some other way. However this is IMPOSSIBLE! These programs actually contain a VIRUS, which will record your keypresses and steal your password. Get a decent virus checker, and don't run anything not downloaded from an official website.
I'm not trying to scare you, all the points above are just common sense! If someone in real-life said "give me your credit card number and I'll credit you £1000!" would you? I sure hope not! Just because runescape is a game doesn't mean you should be any less careful.

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