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17th September 2024 - September 17th Alpha Updates

This update comes a little early to address a player save rollback problem, and features some core interaction system changes that need testing. Just play the game like normal and that's enough!

If you're looking for something in particular to try, calling all Firemaking abusers to come test your methods :)

Content Changes


  • Shop stock fixes, change rune price scaling

Engine Changes


  • Engine tweaks to match osrs firemaking edgecases
  • ai ap triggers defaulted to no ap/op maxrange check
  • p_walk should move the player when movement is processed
  • Save all players and shut down on World cycle error
  • clearWaypoints before setting to default mode for playerFaceModes
  • Revert npc_arrivedelay to old timings
  • Check for engine queue in updateMovement
  • Retry respawning NPCs every 10 ticks if there's no room for new ones

View the merge on GitHub

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