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1st August 2024 - August 1st Alpha Updates

Plenty of bugfixes and a couple quests to try!

Client Changes


  • Updated client build with audio bug fix

Content Changes


  • Dwarf Cannon Quest
  • Cats, kitten raising, followers - ::getcat on members worlds
  • Sheep Herder Quest
  • Wildy warning popup


  • Limit %attackstyle to the damagestyle count of the weapon
  • Misc quest fixes
  • Typos in clue enum
  • Adjust macro_event timer behavior
  • Config updates, baby blue dragon fix, door sound changes
  • Updated Tutorial Island giant rat stats
  • Change ikov move trigger to use mapzone, mourner and ogre fixes
  • Waterfall quest bug resetting when entering glarials tomb
  • %macro_event_uid set and checks
  • Cowardly huntmode was incorrectly using find_keephunting=on
  • Missing ~npc_default_retaliate_ap for dark wizard ai_queue1
  • Move gnomeball reset on teleport to mapzoneexit
  • NPC/Obj spawns updated
  • Revised multicombat areas

Engine Changes


  • Multiple webworker connections supported
  • Move follow teleing to engine
  • Enum value packing validation
  • Mapzone and zone triggers
  • Multiway tracking at engine level


  • clearWaypoints if player attacks npc from outside maxrange
  • Renamed levelup trigger to advancestat
  • Allow walking with modals open, only stop when modal is open and queue is active

View the merge on GitHub

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