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15th June 2024 - June 15th Alpha Updates

If this week's long-term stability testing goes well, we're through the zone issues for good and are onto writing a few supporting systems before polling players about beta questions.

Content Changes


  • Treasure trail changes
  • Makeover mage, hairdresser and more thessalia functionality


  • superhumanstrength prayer using ultimatestrength prayer
  • Basic wizard npc was hunting players
  • Level 1 enchant spell was requiring airrune
  • Un-noting items included incorrect error message
  • Typo in levelup_unlocks_smithing.rs2
  • 0hp check on black knight titan and sir mordred
  • Fix for prince ali key var, goblin mesanims
  • Message in levelup_unlocks_crafting.rs2
  • Count Draynor instantly despawning

Engine Changes


  • Hunting config properties
  • Move strategies
  • Zones rework
  • Player/NPC info protocol optimizations
  • Auto-saving character data locally every 15 mins

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