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1st June 2024 - June 1st Alpha Updates

There was a ton of engine cleanup and content fixes the last couple weeks!

Content Changes


  • NPC retreating
  • Al Kharid warriors


  • No longer remember attackstyles after logout
  • Typo when unlocking mage arena spells
  • Silver crafting fix
  • Allow dangerous randoms to interrupt player combat
  • Cupboards options fix
  • levelrequires for red, blue and black dhide bodies requiring dragon slayer quest completion
  • newcomer_map checking if the player is outside the map range
  • Remove jumps within proc in xplamp.rs2
  • Macro_event reward lasting 3 hours on ground
  • Missing sounds for casket opening
  • %bank_noted changed to temp to mimic osrs
  • Elvarg should only have one type of melee attack
  • Slight changes to npc retal to allow highwayman edge cases
  • Wrong message when partyroomoffer is full
  • Unnecessary loc_find in macro_event_gas_spawn
  • Dark wizards spells
  • Make jail guards aggressive
  • Wrong mes for mems only spells
  • Config name updates
  • ~randomjewel coordz check

Engine Changes


  • Optional use of the client pathfinder
  • EntityList collections
  • Default to client-provided paths (verified server-side) to ensure we have authentic behavior
  • High/low priority packet queues
  • Message-based decoding/handling abstracted out of NetworkPlayer
  • Improved development auto-build process
  • Simplified project setup


  • Disable obj dummyitem check in inv_setslot and inv_add commands
  • NPC interacting attempts & refactor interaction code
  • Updated pathfinder to fix a rare obj LoS behavior

View the merge on GitHub

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