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13th November 2002 - 13th November

Mining improved! We have changed mining and fishing so that they no longer consist of hours of tedious repetative clicking. The rocks are now easier to mine so you don't have to click anything like as much, and prospecting always works.

Instead of the repetative clicking we have introduced a new 'fatigue' system which means as you do tasks such as mining your character slowly becomes tired. After a certain point (which depends on your level, and on the rock), you will become too tired to mine. When this happens simply rest at a bed or eat some food, and you'll feel much more lively again. The upshot of this is that the honest miners should be able to get their ore slightly quicker, whilst the cheats will just have to go somewhere else.

Also due to popular request we have modified the wilderness monsters so they are always agressive regardless of your level. It was pointed out by many players that the wilderness is supposed to be dangerous place, so the new monster attacking rule has been removed in this zone.

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