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24th September 2002 - 24th September

RuneScape was updated today with changes big and small. As well as fixing lots of small issues, we've also added the following features:

Tutorial Island - All newcomers can now take heart! First-time players will now start their adventures on tutorial island, where the good people of Runescape are busy preparing people for the challenges that await them. Learn the way of the rune, and pick up some handy culinary tips.

Waterfall Quest (Members quest) - Walk along the river that flows through Kandarin, where the locals speak of hidden treasure, and the legend of the Elven King. Search for a place untouched by human hand, and for treasures whose value cannot be counted.

King Black Dragon (Members monster) - The most fearsome monster ever to venture into Runescape has now... err... ventured into Runescape. So for all you plucky young upstarts, take a break from emailing customer support and pit your wits against the deadliest beast to date! More prudent types might just want to gaze at him from afar. Of course you'll have to find him first.

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