Lores and Histories of RuneScape
Main menu - Library Of Varrock

elcome, curious one, to the Royal Library of Varrock.
My name is Reldo, and as curator, historian and scholar to the histories of RuneScape, I shall be your guide here.
You will find collected within these pages a list of all true, verified and accurate historical artifacts.

Many claims are made regarding histories within RuneScape, often by those seeking to claim glories not rightfully theirs, or those trying to hide family secrets best forgotten.
Searching through the many manuscripts and scrolls contained within the Royal Library is in itself a full time job, as is cross referencing these sources so as to discern the truthfullness of each - but I have made some small progress.

Below you will find a list of all verifiably accurate histories of RuneScape, as well as some mythologies relating to true people and events, whose accuracy cannot be guaranteed, but in the absence of other source material I have included for historical interest.
I hope you enjoy the following documents as much as I have enjoyed compiling them.


A Brief History of RuneScape

Gnomic Negotiations

The Legend of Arrav - Part 1

The Legend of Arrav - Part 2

Concise History Of The Discovery of The Runes That Allow Magicks

Spirit of the Pass

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