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3rd May 2001 - Improved user interface

I've changed the way the controls work, to make controlling your character in crowded areas much easier. After putting the original improvement online it became apparent that further alterations were necessary so I've ended up making minor alterations repeatedly over the past few days.

The final resulting interface now works as follows:

Most common actions in the game are now performed using the LEFT mouse button. For instance you can walk around, take objects, open doors, fight monsters, wear armour, etc... All just be left clicking on the item of interest. The new system is much better at working out what you are most likely wanting to do, even when you point at a large number of things at once.

The RIGHT mouse button now brings up a multiple choice menu, which displays ALL the possible actions that apply to the items you are pointing at. This means even when pointing in a crowded area, or at a large stack of objects you can still use the menu to choose the action you want.

If you are used to the old interface it may take a bit of getting used to. Just give the new system a chance, and I think you'll prefer it in the long run. Just remember: left-button=action, right-button=menu

Advantages of the new system:

  • You can select items out of large stacks of objects much more easily
  • You are less likely to die by accidentally attacking a strong monster
  • It is easier to walk around crowded areas of the map
  • It is much easier to use crowded locations like furnaces and anvils
  • You are much less likely to accidentally drop your pickaxe whilst mining
  • No need to remember which button to use. Most actions are now on the left button.
  • Dropping items is now easier as you no longer need to click on the ground
  • New optional 'one-button-mouse' mode

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