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11th August 2024 - August 11th Alpha Updates

Client Changes


  • Button to hide controls under webclient

Content Changes


  • Duck quacking sound effect for nearby players
  • Gulluck and Sons shop added to Tree Gnome Stronghold


  • Using the correct burying bones script for tutorial (limits stat to level 3)
  • Resolved logic issues with Zanaris market doors
  • Prayer was revised/simplified to correct timing and flicking behavior
  • New message when a cat becomes overgrown
  • Zamorak wizard attackrange defined
  • poison and fish_food objs were untradable
  • Obvious drop table mistakes

Engine Changes


  • npc_arrivedelay command
  • npc_hasop command


  • Remove engine op2 check from .hunt configs
  • Enclosed zone updates were not clearing in a new edge case
  • Allow getqueue/clearqueue while executing queues

View the merge on GitHub

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